Daily OPD IP Care Smoking cessation Pulmonary rehabilitation Allergy clinic Fibre optic bronchoscopy RNTCP services Allergy testing ICU care Health education |
SERVICES We provide comprehensive and state of the art evaluation and management of patients suffering from a broad spectrum of respiratory diseases such as asthma, COPD, bronchiectasis, bronchitis, pneumonias, tuberculosis and other lung infections, various interstitial lung diseases, pleural diseases like pleural effusion , pneumothorax, empyema etc,lung cancer, occupational lung diseases , respiratory failure, pulmonary vasculities ,mediastinal diseases, sleep disorders like obstructive sleep apnoea etc. |
Out patient services
We conduct regular OPD services from Monday to Saturday.
OPD Timings 9AM- PM all days except Saturdays( 9AM-1 PM)
In adition to the regular OP, we have speciality clinics on following days
Monday- asthma and allergy clinic
Tuesday- smoking cessation clinic
Wednesday-COPD and pulmonary rehabilitation clinic
Thursday- lung cancer clinic
Friday-occupational lung diseases clinic
In-patient services
Patients requiring hospitalization are admitted and treated in our pulmonary medicine wards.In adition to the general wards, we have a an isolation unit meant for patients with infectious diseases and a high dependancy unit for very sick patients.
Intensive respiratory care unit
The 6 bedded IRCU is equipped with the most modern equipments related to critical care and provides state of the art care to critically ill respiratory patients with respiratory failure, sepsis, ARDS etc, strictly adhering to guidelines for evidence based practices for mechanical ventilation and critical care.
Pulmonary lab
Facilities available are -Spirometry
Allergy testing for antigens and drugs
Exercise testing etc
Pulmonary procedures - Fibre optic bronchoscopy(diagnostic &therapeutic)
Pleural procedures -intercostal drainage,pleural aspiration,pleural biopsy,percutaneous lung biopsy
1) Etiological Diagnosis of Pneumonia, Dr Jyothi E. World Clinics of Pulmonary and Critical care Medicine 2019
2) Allergen Immunotherapy. Dr Jyothi E, Clinical Allergy and asthma management in adolescents and young adults CRC Press 2022