- Professor -1
- Associate Professor - 1
- Asst. Professor - 6
- Artist Modeller - 1
- Anatomy Attender (Theatre Assistant)- 1
- Housekeeping Staff (sweeper) - 2
The Dept. Of Anatomy has facilities for teaching 100 MBBS students. The Department has a fully equipped dissection hall with charts, 2 demonstration halls, Histology lab with charts, microscopes and slides. There is also an embalming room ,8 body cooling cabinets and 3 tanks for storing cadavers. The Dept. also has a library with books and a museum with specimens, models, bones and charts.
There is a Departmental library with books.
Professor – Dr Susan Varghese
- A comparative study on Segmental Micro-Anatomy of the Human Fallopian Tube National Journal of Clinical Anatomy, Vol 10, Jan 2021
- Ansa pectoralis – anatomy and applied aspects,GJRA, vol 11, issue-01, jan2022
- Anatomy of lateral pectoral nerve and its clinical significance, NJCA, vol 11,issue 2, april-june 2022
Associate Professor- Dr. Vandana. L. R
- Inferior cervical ganglion and stellate ganglion – concepts revisited JEMDS 2018;7(13):1653-1658.
- Middle cervical ganglion and vertebral ganglion – controversies unveiled JEMDS 2018;7(38):4967-4972.
- Variations in the branching pattern of external carotid artery in south Kerala population – a cadaveric study JEBMH 2021: 8(22); 1780-1785